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IBTF History

The Beginning of IBTF...

Get to know our history.

The International Baton Twirling Federation (IBTF) was founded with a single, unifying vision: to promote the art and sport of baton twirling on a global scale. From its humble beginnings, the organization has grown into a dynamic force, fostering camaraderie and excellence among athletes from all corners of the world.

Since its inception,

the IBTF has been dedicated to ensuring that baton twirling is not only a sport but also an expressive form of artistic performance. Through competitions, training, and cultural exchange, the Federation has paved the way for athletes to showcase their talent, discipline, and creativity on the world stage.

The mission of the IBTF is to uphold the values of fair competition, unity, and respect for the traditions of baton twirling while embracing innovation and growth. With a diverse global community, the IBTF continues to inspire the next generation of baton twirlers, encouraging them to push the boundaries of their craft and to represent the spirit of sportsmanship on every stage.

Please utilize the quick links below for targeted access to the IBTF's official historical information.

Where to start?

The WBTF (a federation founded in 1979) and its Executive officials invited the members of the NBTA Global Alliance (a group of individuals from Europe and North America) to a meeting in January of 2013 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The group was interested in expansion. This was initiated by an inquiry in 2011 regarding WBTF’s involvement with the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) around the potential formation of the World Artistic Games. WDSF put the Global Alliance in touch with WBTF. The World Artistic Games did not develop, however the two entities continued to talk.


At this meeting, WBTF presented its long-term goal of becoming a recognized sport and the starting the long road to Olympic Level recognition. The steps to achieve this require unification of the entire baton twirling community throughout
the World. The IOC and the rules of International Sport Law mandate the following

  • ï‚· There may be only one International Federation per sport.

  • ï‚· Within the International Federation of every sport there may be only one organization representing each country.


The IOC also mandates that all national federations inside its International Federations must practice the Principles of Good Sport Governance to qualify for membership. More later on the application criteria that national federations must for acceptance.


The meetings of the WBTF Executive and NBTA’s Global Alliance continued. It was decided to develop a short-term goal of working together by forming a “Union of Unions”. The goal was to see if common ground could be reached by engaging in the development of a Grand Prix competition. Technical rules were developed with compromises made from both organizations to present a joint event.


The first Grand Prix event was held in 2015 in Abbottsford, B.C. Canada and subsequently in 2017 in Porec’, Croatia and 2019 in Limoges, France.

WFNBTA and Joint Agreement

In order to advance their collaborative efforts, the WBTF advised the NBTA Global Alliance that, for the project to continue, it was necessary for them to form an official federation. The negotiations could not move forward with a group of individuals who were not represented by an official, recognized entity. At the time, the Global Alliance was simply a collective of interested individuals from North America and the NBTA Europe organization.

In 2013, the World Federation of National Baton Twirling Federations (WFNBTA) was officially registered as a legal entity in the state of California. This was a crucial step in formalizing the partnership, and in January 2014, WBTF and WFNBTA signed a Joint Cooperation Agreement to strengthen their unified efforts.



The primary goals outlined in the Joint Cooperation Agreement were:


  • ​To work towards the unification of baton twirling worldwide.

  • To establish a 'Union of Unions' between WFNBTA and WBTF, creating a cohesive force for all stakeholders—including athletes, coaches, judges, competition directors, administrators, and more—across all forms of baton twirling.

  • To improve the organization of baton twirling through the synergies created by
    combining the expertise and knowledge of various stakeholders.

  • To promote baton twirling to a wider, more diverse audience, appealing to a broader demographic while ensuring the sport is inclusive of all ages and backgrounds.

  • To make baton twirling more global, accessible, and relevant, opening the sport to all nations and individuals.

  • To foster international harmony, encouraging the blending of voices, ideas, and skills from participating nations.​

The formation of WFNBTA and the Joint Cooperation Agreement.

​WBTF and WFNBTA also mutually agreed on several key principles to guide the development of the sport:


  • To uphold the fundamental principles and values of Olympism.

  • To set a long-term goal of including baton twirling in the Olympic movement, with both organizations working together and with their members towards this objective.

  • To adopt a flexible organizational structure that maximizes opportunities for public recognition, respects the traditions of baton twirling, and adapts to future needs.

  • To establish international rules that are fair, safe, and inclusive, ensuring that no particular nation or style dominates over others.

  • To create an environment where high ethical standards, cooperation, good fellowship, peace, and mutual understanding prevail.

  • To encourage nations to rise above national favoritism, respecting the rules and values that govern them.

  • To respect the differences and similarities among nations, viewing these unique qualities as a positive force in the growth of the sport.

Formation of IBTF

The formation of IBTF and the path to GAISF Recognition.

In 2018, the International Baton Twirling Federation (IBTF) was officially registered as an entity, operating under an intermediary set of bylaws and a constitution as a 'Union of Unions'; The WBTF and WFNBTA Executive Members then formed the IBTF Managing Committee to oversee the federation’s operations and strategic direction.

One of the first priorities of the IBTF Managing Committee was to pursue Sport Recognition
through the Global Association of International Sport Federations (GAISF). This would begin with an application to join the first ladder of membership: the Association of International Members of Sport (AIMS). The criteria for acceptance into AIMS closely aligned with the IOC’s Principles of Good Governance.

At the time, the WBTF was the only federation capable of meeting these rigorous requirements, as neither WFNBTA nor IBTF had the necessary history, governance, and track record of international championships to submit an application. As a result, it was agreed that WBTF would submit the GAISF application on behalf of IBTF. The mutual understanding was that, if the application was successful, the two organizations would unite into a single governing body, as mandated by international sport laws.


In March 2018, both organizations signed a mutual agreement, and the GAISF application was submitted.

First World Championship

Following the successful 2019 Grand Prix in Limoges, France, the IBTF Managing Committee began preparing for the inaugural IBTF World Championship, which was initially scheduled for 2021. The technical group worked diligently to harmonize the competition rules, blending disciplines from both organizations and ensuring a fair and equal distribution of events. They also worked to refine judging techniques, with the ultimate goal of developing a unified judging system that would incorporate the best elements of both traditions.


However, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck in early 2020, the entire world came to a halt. Progress on the IBTF’s development was significantly delayed as the global community grappled with the many challenges brought on by the pandemic. For nearly two years, the world of baton twirling, like many other aspects of life, faced significant setbacks.


Despite the setbacks, the IBTF was able to successfully hold its first World Championship in Liverpool, England, in 2023. This event marked a significant milestone for the federation and for baton twirling as a whole. The second IBTF World Championship followed in Helsingborg, Sweden, further solidifying the IBTF's place as a global governing body for the sport.

The first IBTF World Championship and the Pandemic's impact.

The formation of IBTF, GAISF Application and the impact of COVID-19.

In 2018, the International Baton Twirling Federation (IBTF) was officially registered as an entity, operating under an intermediary set of bylaws and a constitution, functioning as a 'Union of Unions'; The WBTF and WFNBTA Executive Members became the IBTF Managing Committee to oversee the federation’s direction and decision-making.

Evolution of GAISF

During the pandemic, the operations of GAISF were significantly impacted, and in 2023, GAISF was officially dissolved. In its place, SportAccord emerged as the leading entity for global sports governance. SportAccord functions as a convention and networking hub, bringing together leaders from International Federations, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), host cities, rights holders, and other key stakeholders in the international sports industry.


SportAccord, in cooperation with the Alliance of Independent Recognised Members of Sport (AIMS)—an IOC-recognized umbrella organization—now manages the membership application process for International Federations seeking to join the Olympic Movement. This process includes several “ladder organizations” leading up to Olympic-level status.


The next step in this process is ARISF (The Association of IOC Recognised International Sports Federations), followed by ASOIF (The Association of Summer Olympic International
Federations), which governs sports that are part of the Summer Olympic Games.

The evolution of GAISF and SportAccord's Role in the Global Sports Landscape.

Path to Olympic Recognition

Changes in AIMS Membership Criteria: A path toward Olympic recognition.

As part of the ongoing reformation period for international sports governance, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has updated its criteria for applying for AIMS Membership. In order for an International Federation to be eligible for this membership, it must now have 60 national members that meet the IOC’s rigorous standards.


This new requirement marks a significant increase from the previous threshold of 40 members, highlighting the growing importance of having a robust and widespread international presence for sports seeking recognition in the global Olympic movement.


For the IBTF, this means that the goal is to secure the remaining 28 countries necessary to
reach the 60-country target. This expansion is crucial not just for the sake of meeting IOC
requirements, but to demonstrate the strength and credibility of baton twirling as a global sport.

National Federation Membership

In August of 2023, the IBTF hosted a forum at the World Championship in Liverpool to
explain the criteria, process, and requirements for becoming an IBTF Member to all
national federations. The information was shared with federations from both the WBTF
and WFNBTA, as well as several countries interested in membership. The deadline for
submitting applications was set for July 15, 2024. The requirements are listed in a separate document which can be found on the IBTF website under “About” / “Membership”


A panel of International Sport Federation analysts, each with years of experience in
Olympic sports, was appointed to evaluate the National Member Applications. These
analysts had no direct connection to baton twirling or any of the IBTF Managing Committee members. It was agreed that all selection decisions would be made by an independent third party to ensure fairness and transparency.


After a thorough six-week review of the applications, Thirty-Two countries were awarded
IBTF Membership. Several federations were granted Provisional Status, meaning they
still needed to fulfill additional requirements to become full members. While no national federation is being asked to relinquish its traditions, cultures, or special competitions, each country must have one national representative member. This is essential in fulfilling the IOC's requirement for a National qualification competition, through which athletes are selected to represent their country at the international level.


The Path to Olympic Recognition:
For some, becoming a recognized international sport may not be a priority. However, for
elite athletes and coaches, it is a critical goal—one that ensures they receive the same
respect and recognition as athletes in other Olympic sports.


Achieving Olympic status won’t be possible unless everyone who dreams of seeing baton
twirling become part of the Olympic Games understands and agrees: we must come
together. Unity is key to making this dream a reality. It’s going to take the combined effort
of the global baton twirling community to reach this significant milestone.

IBTF Forum and National Federation Membership Process.

Decision to Unite

The Decision to Unite under IBTF: A difficult yet necessary step.

In early 2024, the WBTF and WFNBTA Boards made the difficult decision to dissolve their
separate governing bodies in order to allow the IBTF to emerge as the single world governing body for baton twirling disciplines. This was not a decision made lightly, as both
organizations have a long history and significant contributions to the sport.

The WBTF Board upheld its commitment to this unification process. However, WFNBTA
initially backed out of this agreement in September 2024, despite having made the decision to dissolve.

It is clear that the future of our sport depends on one unified organization, and continuing
to operate with separate governing bodies simply cannot work under the current
international sport regulations.

Italy's Motion at IBTF AGM

At the recent IBTF AGM, the motion proposed by Italy encapsulated this very dilemma: the
idea that we can’t have two masters. This is essentially the core of the issue—having two
separate governing bodies for the same sport complicates our ability to achieve the
necessary IOC recognition and sport unification.


From a governance standpoint, it’s essential that baton twirling is represented by one single International Federation (IF). This is not just a theoretical issue, but a practical one rooted in the IOC’s governance structure and the principles of international sport law. The 'two masters' situation simply isn’t viable when it comes to achieving Olympic recognition and moving the sport forward on the global stage.


It is important in our history to recognize and thank the individuals who volunteered their
time and expertise in developing the foundations of the IBTF over the past thirteen years:​​​

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The Italy Motion at the IBTF AGM: Addressing the 'Two Masters' dilemma.

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